

Library Giveaway

Jul 08, 2015 by Janice Kaplan
Help us spread the gratitude by offering your patrons a complementary button!   Email with your name, mailing address and the subject line BUTTONS to receive your quantity and giveaway table tent.

Available while supplies last.

Start Reading

Apr 20, 2015 by Janice Kaplan
THE GRATITUDE DIARIES How A Year Looking on the Bright Side Transformed My Life PREFACE

Given that I am working on a new project about gratitude, I should have woken up on this late March morning to sunny skies, singing birds, and friends gathered in my living room singing “Kumbaya.”

Instead, everything that could go wrong did.

But somehow, I kept seeing rays of sunshine.

To start, my old Volvo wouldn’t spark and jumper cables had no effect. The neighbor who came over to help saved the day by driving me to the train station, twenty minutes away. I got to the city and stepped onto the rainy, windy sidewalk just as a bus raced through a huge puddle and sent a thick stream of muddy...

A Note from Janice

Apr 20, 2015 by Janice Kaplan
A YEAR OF LIVING GRATEFULLY I’m so excited about my new book. What started as an intriguing idea—to spend a year living gratefully—became a life-changing experience. I ended up having the best year of my life.

Now I want everyone to have the same thrilling experience. Research proves that gratitude makes us healthier and happier, improves sleep, lowers stress, and lessens depression. No matter how grumpy you may be feeling today, you can be more grateful tomorrow.

During the year, I talked to experts including psychologists, doctors, academics, and philosophers. Gratitude changed my relationship with my husband (for the better!) and gave me a new outlook on money, ambition, and career. I discovered why the stuff we buy doesn't make us grateful, and I...